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Eng221 Workplace Communication Comparison

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Eng221 Workplace Communication Comparison
University of Phoenix Material

Workplace Communication Comparison

Complete the following matrix. For each communication method, list its purpose in the workplace, whether it is a technical or expository form of written communication, and why you classified it as such.

|Written communication method |Purpose in the workplace|Technical or expository|Why classification was chosen |
| | |writing | |
|E-mail |Written communication |Technical or expository|I often convey technical information within|
| |for audiences within an | |the e-mail communication when explaining |
| |office or outside the | |trouble with a system to management. The |
| |office. | |rest of the office generally uses |
| | | |expository or other types of writing. |
|Memos |Written communication |Expository |Memos are clear, ethical, and problem |
| |within the workplace to | |solving documents. While they share the |
| |notify or explain events| |same traits as technical writing, the memo |
| |that affect the company.| |is generally not related to technology. |
|Letters |Written communication to|Expository |Letters are generally sent to clients or |
| |inform or notify of | |vendors to notify of an event or inform. |
| |events. | |Technical writing does not fit into this |
| | | |form of communication. |
|Manuals |How to work equipment or|Technical or expository|Manuals for the equipment are technical and|
| |employment manuals and | |employee handbooks or manuals are |
| |handbooks. | |expository. |
|Web pages |To inform, house files, |Technical or Expository|Some web pages on Microsoft’s site for |
| |sell and purchase goods | |example are technical and provide |
| |and services. | |specification for products and services. |
| | | |Other pages are expository on Microsoft’s |
| | | |providing explanations. |
|Other |Texting, video |Technical or expository|Often these forms are neither, but I have |
| |conference, and | |used each of them for technology or |
| |presentations are other | |instructing employees on steps to |
| |forms of written | |accomplish a task. |
| |workplace communication.| | |

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the most common form of written communication in your workplace or in a workplace you are familiar with? Is expository or technical writing the most common form of written communication in this workplace? Who is responsible for most of the technical writing in this workplace?

I have used all of the above forms of written communication in the workplace and familiar with all of them. The form I use often is e-mail. I am responsible for most of the technical writing and documentation of the infrastructure. Human resources provides the remainder of the writing for employee manuals and notifications.

2. What are some common issues you have seen with written communication in the workplace?

The most common issues are the audience read and interpret written communication differently. If the writing is not clear and to the point, emotions are often read into the communication even if the author did not intent to provoke them.

3. How can an organization benefit from well written communication?

Education of staff on all aspects of the company benefits an organization. This task is only beneficial with well written communication. If the audience interprets the communication differently than intended, the result can lead to additional stress, tension, or legal repercussion.

4. How do written communication skills differ from verbal communication skills? What are the challenges a skilled verbal communicator might face when creating technical writing?

Written communication skills differ from verbal because the audience cannot always interpret the emotion the author intends to attach to the communication. A skilled verbal communicator may be accustomed to using gestures, facial expression, and tone to control the flow of the presentation. These tools are not valuable to a technical writer. I believe these verbal tools are harmful to technical writing. Technical writing should not evoke a response from the audience.

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