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Robert Domgjoni
Mr. Kenneth Jannot
English 101
The term Euthanasia names the cases when a doctor, a family member, or any relative takes the life of someone with terminal disease who is willing to die so that he/she will be relieved from the torment caused by a deadly disease. There are two types of euthanasia: the voluntary euthanasia is when a patient requires from a doctor or a family member to take his/her life so that he/she will no longer suffer from a terminal disease. Whereas, non-voluntary euthanasia is when a family member or a relative decides over the life of the other, usually where the patient is in a coma for a long time without any hope of coming around. This category of suicide has been prevailing from the ancient times, but after different religions were founded, the number of assisted suicides was lessened. Nowadays, in Islamic countries this phenomenon occurs less often in comparison with other countries because this religion forbids suicide. This phenomenon raises moral and ethical debates. On the one hand, some people claim that every individual has the right to decide over his/her own life. On the other hand, the others say that it is only the will of God that decides when to take the life of a human. Although there are a lot of people who argue that assisted suicide is inhumane, I think that euthanasia should be allowed because it ends physical suffering of the patient, relieves emotional suffering of the family, and saves financial expenses that are used for drugs. To begin with, euthanasia saves a patient from physical and meaningless suffering. There are many types of suffering that we experience during our lives. Sometimes we suffer for a purpose, for example, to accomplish something so that in the end we will be rewarded. But there is no reward in the case of terminal diseases. Because we know that our time is running out, the suffering is meaningless. The longer we live, the longer we suffer; there is no other

Cited: BEIL, LAURA. “HOW MUCH WOULD YOOU PAY FOR THREE MORE MONTHS OF LIFE? (Cover Story).” Newsweek 160.10 (2112): 40-44 Academic Search Elite. Web. April 10, 2014 "Belgian twin brothers choose euthanasia rather than blindness." The Daily Telegraph (London). (January 14, 2013 Monday ): 434 words. LexisNexis Academic. Web Date Accessed: April 10, 2014 "FIGHT TO THE DEATH." The Australian. (February 11, 2013 Monday ): 1273 words. LexisNexis Academic. Web. Date Accessed: April 11, 2014 "Majority support for voluntary euthanasia." Canberra Times (Australia). (December 17, 2012 Monday ): 211 words. LexisNexis Academic. Web. Date Accessed: April 11, 2014 McManaman, Doug. "Active Euthanasia Is Never Morally Justified." Assisted Suicide. Ed. Noël Merino.Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Current Controversies. Rpt. from "Euthanasia and the Sanctity of Life." Catholic Insight (Mar. 2010): 24-25. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. April 12, 2014

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