
Happiness In Brave New World Essay

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Happiness In Brave New World Essay
How does Huxley associate ideas of happiness with consumption and a society's well-being? In the twisted era of Brave New World, Huxley has created what seems to be a false symbol of universal happiness. In Brave New World it is suggested that the price of universal happiness will be achieved with the sacrifice of major treasured aspects within our culture, such as: family, freedom, love, childhood, and home. Happiness in this dystopian novel is achieved through the mass consumption of producer goods. While some people would argue that true happiness comes from internal pleasure, rather than material possessions; Huxley presents us a society that solely bases its well-being on the feeling of pleasure associated with the consumption of materials. …show more content…
By being hatched, humans have no real connection to motherhood, or being born, or growing up in a family with parents experiencing a “normal” childhood. This method created by the government has created a society in which people have no real connection to anything, this can be raised to debate; however, it does create a community in which people have no true reason to be emotionally distraught. People are literally created to carry out one job and love doing it for their whole lives. The people are so manipulated by the government that the off time they do get is for the main purpose of pleasure, the people are not allowed to love, they have sex with anyone for pleasure, they purchase equipment for sport, travel at cost, or they consume soma which is a direct link to the so called happiness that they thrive for. Life is solely for working and pleasure and nobody questions this way of life, citizens are as we know “happy.” Even the process of dying is dictated by the government so that there is no grieving process or sadness with death, it is simply something that happens and because society is not allowed to become emotionally attached to anything or anyone, it is a process that minimally affects citizens. By giving people the desire of happiness they are able to manipulate how people will attain this desire and because of the parameters set up during childhood and through

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