
Munchausen Syndrome Research Paper

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Munchausen Syndrome Research Paper
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy : Family Violence Research Paper

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP) is referred to as several names, such as, fabrication illness and hospital addiction syndrome. The Maternal Child Nursing Care text book defines this syndrome as, “a rare but serious form of child abuse in which the caretaker deliberately exaggerates or fabricates histories and symptoms or induce symptoms. It is a form of child maltreatment that may include physical, emotional, and psychologic abuse for the gratification of the caretaker.”… ( pg 1067) The mother is the usual the offender that fabricates a false history of symptoms for her child resulting in attention from medical professionals and also making the child endure painful or unnecessary
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And often they do have real and even life-threatening medical conditions, even though these conditions may be self-inflicted. A health care professional who suspects Munchausen syndrome may check medical records, try to talk to family or friends, or even search the person 's hospital room for injected materials or hidden medications, although this raises ethical concerns. Direct accusations of Munchausen syndrome are likely to make the affected person angry and defensive, causing him or her to abruptly end a relationship with a doctor or hospital and seek treatment elsewhere. So your loved one 's doctor is likely to try to create an "out" that spares your loved one the humiliation of admitting to faking symptoms… (Mayo …show more content…
Typically within 24 hours of the child’s hospital admission, the State Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) assigns caseworkers who work with the family and assess other members of the household. DHHS also works with the hospital staff, reviewing the case and making legal decisions regarding who can visit, who needs supervision, and how things will be handled so that the staff can focus on the patient… Nursing documentation should record accurate observations, concerns, and treatments provided and should always be a way to communicate significant findings and information. Thorough nursing documentation is a vital part of clinical documentation allowing for efficient interdisciplinary communication and cooperation. (Lyden

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