
Nero the Emperor

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Nero the Emperor
Nero Some people would usually think that an emperor would lead their empire to victory or success. Nero on the other hand did the opposite. Nero the leader of the Roman Empire is full of entertainment, but when it came to the ruling of his empire he could not contain its riots and fires. Nero was born on 15 December AD 37. He was born with the name Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus before he became Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus. His Mother was Agrippina the Younger, the niece of the previous emperor Claudius (“Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus”). Agrippina, the mother of Nero, ruled for a little bit because Nero was too young to rule over the Roman Empire. When Agrippina came to power she didn’t want to relax because she wanted to get back at all the rivals she has had before she took the throne. Her list of casualties with the aristocratic Romans stretched. Her first victim was the brother of the man who had an unsuccessful way of engagement to marry Nero’s wife Octavia. Nero was trying to meet up with this girl, Acte, he asked Otho to help him meet up with her secretly. Agrippina was so profound when she found out that Nero was trying to meet up with Acte. She took the Roman view that a relationship with a Greek slut should not be allowed to get serious. Her enraged temperament found situations like this very hard to endure. Before Agrippina became in charge of the Roman Empire she wanted her son Nero to become the emperor of the Roman Empire (Grant). When Nero was three, his father died and his uncle, Caligula took power and banished Agrippina to never come back to Rome. When he was 41, his brother Claudius took over the throne and brought back Agrippina and took Nero as his son. At that time before Claudius took Nero in he was living with his aunt which wasn’t that good of a living environment. Claudius also married Agrippina after her banishment. When Nero was being taken in by Claudius this is where he got his name Nero. On October 13, the Emperor Claudius

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