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Odyssey Questions
Homer’s The Odyssey
Athena appeals to Zeus for permission to help Odysseus reach home. Odysseus’s home in Ithaca is overrun with suitors who are trying to win Penelopeia’s hand. With the help of Athena disguised as Mentes, Telemachos finds the courage to confront the suitors.
1. Where is Odysseus?
Odysseus is on the remote island Ogygia with the goddess Calypso.
2. What or whom is Athena disguised as?
Athena is disguised as a family friend named Mentes.
3. Why do Telemachos and his mother need Odysseus?
Telemachos and his mother need Odysseus because they need Odysseus to get the suitors to get out of the house and leave his mother alone.
4. Why does Odysseus’s wife have suitors?
Odysseus’s wife has suitors because they want to marry her and become king, fore they believe Odysseus is dead.
5. What does Athena advise Telemachos to do?
Athena advises Telemachos to remove the suitors from the house and fine rumors of his father.
In a town meeting, Telemachos announces his intentions to locate his father and rid his house of the suitors. He is metwith ridicule and doubt, especially from Antinoos who confronts Telemachos twice. Athena helps Telemachos prepare for his journey, and he sets sail in secret that night.
1. Describe the trick that Penelopeia plays on her suitors.
Penelopeia said that she will marry when she finishes the web but then at night she unweaves the cloth to make the web.
2. What specifically does Athena do to help Telemachos in this book?
Athena gathers a crew and a boat and also gives him fair sailing winds.
Following Athena’s advice, Telemachos visits King Nestor of Pylos to get information about his father. Athenaaccompanies him disguised as an old family friend, Mentor. Nestor tells Telemachos stories about Odysseus. Telemachos continues his search on horseback with Nestor’s son Megapenthes.
1. What is Nestor’s opinion of Odysseus?
Nesters opinion of Odysseus is that he was an eloquent speaker and excellent fighter.
2. Describe Nestor’s reaction when he realizes that Telemachos’s companion is Athena.
Nestor gets very excited and holds a ceremony for her.
Telemachos and Megapenthes arrive at and are welcomed into the home of Menelaos and Helen. Menelaos tells Telemachos of his travels with Odysseus and that Odysseus is trapped on an island by Calypso. Meanwhile, Antinoos has learned that Telemachos has embarked on his journey and plots with the other suitors to kill him upon his return to Ithaca. Penelopeia learns of Telemachos’s leaving and is upset.
1. What clues cue Menelaos and Helen that Telemachos is Odysseus’s son?
Some clues are Telemachos feet, hands, hair, the way he speaks, his eyes, and the way his head is shaped. Also he started crying at the mention of Odysseus.
2. What is Menelaos’ opinion of Odysseus?
Menelaos’ said they were best friends and Odysseus was a great fighter and saved many lives.
3. Describe Antinoos’ plan to destroy Telemachos.
Antinoos’ plan to destroy Telemachos was to ambush him so he can be shipwrecked on the shores of same.
Athena again pleads to Zeus for Odysseus’s release. Zeus sends Hermes to Calypso with orders that she release Odysseus. Calypso grudgingly complies. Odysseus is given much trouble by Poseidon, but with the help of Leucothea and Athena, he finally reaches the land of the Phaiacians, where he collapses, exhausted.
1. Who is Hermes, and what is his mission?
Hermes is the messenger and his mission is to tell Calypso to free Odysseus.
2. What can Hermes do with his wand?
Hermes can make people wake up or fall asleep.
3. Who is holding Odysseus captive?
4. What is Calypso’s reaction to having to let Odysseus go?
Calypso was furious that she had to let him go.
5. What is the main problem Odysseus faces while traveling by sea?
The main problem Odysseus faces is that Poseidon keeps stirring up the sea.
6. What happens to Odysseus at the end of Book 5?
Odysseus crashes of the rocky shore, swims to the shore of the Phacacians land and finds a place in the forest to lie down and sleep.
Athena appears in Nausicaa’s dream, telling her to go to the river and wash clothes. Nausicaa and her maids meet Odysseus at the river, and all but Nausicaa are frightened of him because of his appearance. He begs her to help him and she agrees. He bathes and follows Nausicaa’s instructions for asking her parents for assistance.
1. What “subliminal” message does Athena give to Nausicaa while she lies sleeping?
Athena tells Nausicaa to go to the river and wash clothes.
2. Who is the only person who doesn’t run away from the terrifying Odysseus? Why doesn’t she run away?
Nausicaa doesn’t run away from Odysseus because Athena put courage in her heart and took all the fear away from her.
3. Is it pure luck that Nausicaa helps Odysseus? Explain.
No, it is not pure luck. Athena had this as a part of her plan. She gave Nausicaa courage and without that courage Nausicaa would have ran away from him like everyone else.
4. What does the fact that Odysseus won’t bathe in front of the girls tell us about the kind of person he is?
This tells us that he is modest and wants to make the girls more comfortable around him.
5. Does Nausicaa believe her parents will help Odysseus?
Yes, she does believe they will help him.
6. Why won’t Nausicaa let Odysseus ride in her cart?
Nausicaa doesn’t want sumors about the two of them to arise.
7. What instructions does she give Odysseus?
She tells Odysseus to go to the docks and take a ship home with some of the men.
Odysseus arrives at the palace of Alcinoos and Arete and begs for their help in getting him home. They feed him, ask about his situation, and agree to give him the help he needs.
1. What craft are the Phaiacians best known for?
Phaiacrans best know for sailing and weaving.
2. How is Odysseus treated as a guest?
Odysseus is given the best chair and great food.
The next day Alcinoos sends the boys of the town to construct a ship for Odysseus’s voyage and gathers the men for a day of entertainment for Odysseus. Demodocos sings of famous men, including Odysseus. When Alcinoos sees Odysseus crying during the minstrel’s story, he commences the games and dancing to keep his guest happy. At dinner, Odysseus again weeps when Demodocos sings about the Trojan War. At this point, Alcinoos finally demands to know who Odysseus is.
1. Describe the activities that King Alcinoos arranges to entertain Odysseus.
King Alcinoos arranges songs to be sung, wrestling, boxing and throwing.
2. Who is Demodocos?
Democos is the “bard” or “storyteller”.
3. How is King Alcinoos helping Odysseus to get home?
King Alcinoos gathered a ship and crew, food, clothing, and gold.
4. What is Odysseus’s reaction whenever Demodocos sings about the Trojan War?
Odysseus begins to sob.
Odysseus tells Alcinoos who he is and what things have happened to him since he left Troy. He tells of his adventures in Ismaros, in the land of the Lotus-Eaters, and in the land of the Cyclopians. He describes the Cyclopians as “violent and lawless” (102), and he and his men run into trouble with one of the Cyclopians. Men are killed and Poseidon’s vendetta against Odysseus begins.
1. What was the effect of the Lotus plant?
The lotus plant makes you become perfectly content, you never want to leave where you are and you never want to stop eating the plant.
2. How heavy is the door of the Cyclops’ cave?
The door of the Cyclops cave is very heavy, it weighed about 20 tons.
3. What is the first villainous thing the Cyclops does?
Cyclops ate two of Odysseus’s men.
4. Why doesn’t Odysseus kill the Cyclops when he has the chance?
Odysseus doesn’t kill the Cyclops because he needs to bolder to be moved.
5. What does Odysseus give the Cyclops as a gift?
Odysseus gives the Cyclops unmixed wine.
6. What gift does the Cyclops give in return?
The Cyclops gives him the gift of being ate last.
7. What does Odysseus tell the Cyclops that his name is?
Odysseus tells the Cyclops him name is nobody.
8. How do Odysseus and his men sneak out of the Cyclops’ cave?
Odysseus and his men attached themselves to the side of the rams.
9. What foolish thing does Odysseus do?
He calls back to the Cyclops and tells him his real name.
10. What did a soothsayer once predict would happen to the Cyclops?
A soothsayer predicted the Cyclops would loose and eye to a great hero (Odysseus).
11. What does the Cyclops ask his father Poseidon to do for him?
He wants him to make Odysseus’s trip back long and hard and to make it so he will never return home.
Odysseus tells of his visit to Aiolia, where Aiolos Hippotades, manager of the winds, helps Odysseus and his crew get home. He puts wind in a bag, which Odysseus carries on board the ship. Unfortunately, his curious crew decides to open the bag, and the released winds drive them away from home. They arrive at the land of the Laestrygonians, who eat most of Odysseus’s crew before his ship escapes. Then they land on the island of Aiaia, the home of Circe. She traps some of the men and turns them into pigs. Odysseus, with the help of Hermes, gets her to release his men and help him reach home. She instructs him to visit Hades, where he will meet Tieresias, who will tell him how to get home.
1. Who is the god of wind?
Aiolia is the god of the wind.
2. What favor does he do for Odysseus and his men?
Aiolia sends them off well prepared and gives them bags of wind.
3. What stupid mistake do some of the men make on the ship?
Some of the men open the bags of wind.
4. How do even more men die after the bag accident?
More men die because the ship is attacked by cannibals.
5. What does Circe do to some of Odysseus’s men?
Circe makes them into pigs.
6. How does Odysseus get her to release his men?
Odysseus doesn’t fall under her spell and then sleeps with her.
7. What instructions does Circe give Odysseus?
She instructs him to visit Hades where he will meet Tieresias who will tell him how to get home.
Odysseus follows Circe’s instructions. In Hades, he first sees a dead shipmate, Elpenor, then his mother, Anticleia, then Tieresias. Tieresias tells him what will happen to him next, including a warning about the cattle of Helios and how to reconcile with Poseidon. He then gets to talk with his mother, and she answers many questions for him. At this point, Odysseus tries to conclude his storytelling, but Alcinoos begs him to continue. Odysseus says only that he met the souls of many who passed away, then he left Hades.
1. What does Odysseus do to call the souls of the dead to him?
Odysseus digs the trench and fills it with gifts of blood offering.
2. Who is Teiresias and what does Odysseus want from him?
Teiresias rows the boat to the underworld and Odysseus wants the prophecy of life until death.
3. What does Teiresias predict for Odysseus?
Teiresias predicts that Odysseus will find trouble in his own home. Also that he will arrive home late.
4. What should Odysseus do to the suitors at his house?
Odysseus should kill all of the suitors in a blood bath.

5. What does Teiresias say Odysseus should do after dealing with the suitors?
Teiresias says that Odysseus should make large sacrifice of the suitors blood to all of the gods.
6. What is the name of Odysseus’s mother and how did she die?
Odysseus’s mother is Anticleia and she died by killing herself from missing Odysseus so much.
7. Why can’t Odysseus hug his dead mother?
Odysseus cannot hug his dead mother because she I dead and that is one of Hades laws.
Odysseus tells of their return to Aiaia to bury Elpenor and of Circe’s warning of the dangers to come: the Sirens, Scylla, Charybdis, and Helios’s cattle. The men make it through the perils of the sea, as predicted. On land, when they run out of provisions, they eat Helios’s cattle even though Odysseus made them promise not to. At sea, all except Odysseus are killed as punishment. Odysseus is adrift for nine days before landing on the island of Ogygia, Calypso’s home. Alcinoos and the other listeners are now up-to-date on the travels of Odysseus.
1. Why should Odysseus be wary of the Sirens?
The sirens have a call that attracts all people.
2. What should he and his men do to keep safe from the Sirens?
His men should plug there ears with beeswax and Odysseus should tie himself down with a rope.
3. Describe Scylla.
Scylla is a six armed monster who grabs Odysseus’s crew
4. What will Charybdis do if Odysseus’s ship gets too close?
Charybdis will being the cycle of whirlpool.
5. What does Odysseus keep secret from his men?
Odysseus does not tell them about Scylla or Charybdis and that many of them will be killed.
6. Describe the circumstances of Odysseus’s shipmates’ deaths. Is it Odysseus’s fault?
They get eaten and smashed against the rocks by Scylla. Yes it is Odysseus’s fault because he didn’t prepare them, but what happened to them was for the best.
Odysseus is done telling his story. King Alcinoos gives Odysseus a ship with a crew and supplies, and the townspeople all give him gifts. The crew delivers Odysseus to Ithaca and returns home. Poseidon, who is mad that anyone would make Odysseus’s travels by sea so easy, turns the ship and crew into stone as they return to their harbor. Odysseus does not believe he is home until Athena convinces him. She disguises him as an old beggar and sends to him to his faithful pigkeeper.

1. Describe Odysseus’s journey home from Scheria.
Odysseus’s journey was very dangerous. He had to fight many demands on his journey home.
2. What does Poseidon initially want to do to the Phaeacian ship?
Poseidon initially wants to destroy Odysseus’s ship though an earthshaker.
3. What decision does Alcinovs make because of the wrath of Poseidon?
Alcinovs promises Poseidon that he will never provide escort to any mortal again.
4. Why and for how long does Athena want Odysseus to be in disguise?
Athena disguises him as an old man as a test for Eumaeus, so Odysseus can test if Eumaeus is still loyal to him, and also to prove the disrespect and lack of guest friendship that the suitors showed.
5. What does Athena instruct Odysseus to do now that he has returned to Ithaca?
When Odysseus returns to Ithaca Athena instructs Odysseus to win the contest of stringing a bow and shooting an arrow through axe-heads that Penelope set up. After he has done this, he must battle his wife's suitors and reclaim his spot as king.
6. Whom does Athena instruct Odysseus to visit first?
Athena instructed Odysseus to visit Eumaeus first.
Athena goes to Lacedaimon to bring Telemachos home. Odysseus goes to the swineherd Eumaios’ house. Odysseus is made welcome and is pleased to see how faithful Eumaios has been during his absence.
1. What is the name of the swineherd?
The name of the swineherd is Eumaeus.
2. What does Odysseus tell the swineherd about himself?
Odysseus tells the swineherd his story of his life and he also makes up that he is from Crete.
3. Describe Odysseus’s disguise.
Odysseus is disguised as the King of Ithaca.
Athena finds Telemachos at the mansion of Menelaos and instructs him to return home. Odysseus learns from Eumaios about his (Odysseus’s) parents and how Eumaios was bought by Laertes when he was a child. Telemachos lands safely back in Ithaca and, by Athena’s instructions, goes straight to Eumaios.
1. How has Eumaios proven his faithfulness in this and previous books?
Eumaios proves his faithfulness by helping Odysseus, who was still in disguise, kill all of the suitors.
2. Who do you think will be the first person to know Odysseus for who he really is?
I think that Penelope will be the first person.
Athena instructs Odysseus to reveal his identity to Telemachos and to plan their revenge on the suitors. Eumaios tells Penelopeia that Telemachos has returned safely to Ithaca. When the suitors, led by Antinoos, learn that their plan to kill Telemachos has failed, they plot to kill him another way.
1. What does Telemachos call Eumaeus? Why?
Telemachos calls Eumaeus “noble swineherd”. During Odysseus’ absence, Eumaeus had acted as a father to Telemachos.
2. Describe Athena’s changes to Odysseus’s appearance.
Athena will make him look old and like a beggar. When she makes him young, shes showing his true self.
3. Who does Telemachos think Odysseus is when Athena removes his disguise?
Telemachos thinks that he is some god who rules the vaulting skies.
4. What do Odysseus and Telemachos plan to do?
Odysseus and Telemachos plan to wait to tell the public of the return of Odysseus, but go around to small farms and notify.
5. Describe Penelopeia’s confrontation with Antinoos.
Penelope heard that they had a plan to till Telemachus, she confronts him, but then calmed by Eurymachus. She says how much she hates Antinous.
Telemachos returns home, accompanied by Theoclymenos. Eumaios brings the disguised Odysseus to his home where the suitors are entertaining themselves as usual. Odysseus is recognized only by Argos, his old hunting dog, who dies after hearing his master’ s voice one last time. Odysseus tests the suitors by begging for food from each one. Penelopeia tells Eumaios to bring the beggar to her; she wants to know if he has any news about Odysseus.
1. What does Theoclymenos prophesy to Penelopeia?
Theoclymenos swears Odysseus is on native soil, taking harm from suitors.
2. How does Odysseus test the suitors?
Odysseus comes in as a beggar and sees who gives the most and feels for others.
3. Who recognizes Odysseus right away? How does he recognize him?
The dog Argos recognizes Odysseus, and he sensed Odysseus standing by.
4. Describe Melanthios.
Melanthios lives among nymphs, where people gather water, herds with drover’s help, makes suior’s meals, and wouldn’t give anything of Odysseus’ to someone like a beggar.
5. Who makes Odysseus extremely angry?
Antinous makes Odysseus extremely angry.
6. Why does Odysseus want to test his servants and his wife before revealing his identity?
Odysseus knows that they will be shocked, and he wants to plot revenge on the suitors.
Odysseus fights with another beggar, Iros, who is used to being the only beggar at the castle. Penelopeia decides to address the suitors, saying she will choose a husband according to who brings her the best gift. Odysseus recognizes this as a trick on the suitors. Odysseus is further antagonized by Melantho, a maid, and Eurymachos.
1. Why does Odysseus get in a fight with Iros? Who wins?
Odysseus gets in a fight with Iros because he wants to be the only begger but then Odysseus came in disguised as one and he got made. Odysseus won the fight.
2. What trick does Penelopeia play on the suitors in this book?
Penplopeia enchanted them to make them think she likes them, so that she would get gifts. Whoever beings the best gift would be her husband.
3. Which three characters anger Odysseus in this book?
Irus, Melantho, and Eurymachus anger Odysseus in this book.
The women are shut up in their rooms, and Odysseus and Telemachos hide all the weapons in a storeroom. Odysseus, still disguised as a beggar, goes to see Penelopeia. He convinces her that he did meet Odysseus and that he has heard also that Odysseus is on his way home. Penelopeia is grateful and orders Eurycleia to bathe and clothe the beggar. Eurycleia recognizes Odysseus by a scar on his leg, but he swears her to secrecy. Penelopeia, discouraged, decides to go ahead and marry whomever can meet the challenge that she will put forth to the suitors: to string Odysseus’s bow and shoot an arrow through twelve axe-heads in a row.
1. What does Odysseus the beggar tell Penelopeia about Odysseus?
Odysseus the beggar tells penelopeia that Odysseus was a brave solider and basically bragged about himself.
2. How does Eurycleia recognize Odysseus?
Eurycleia recognized Odysseus by his scar on his leg while she washes his feet.
3. How did Odysseus get the scar on his leg?
Odysseus got the scar on his leg long ago before the Trojan War, it was during a boar hunting incident.
4. Describe Penelopeia’s challenge for the suitors.
Penelpeia’s challenge for the suitors is to see who can string Odysseus’s old bow and fire an arrow through twelve axe handles.
It is a new day and Telemachos receives the beggar (Odysseus) into his house. The beggar is ridiculed by many, but heremains calm. Philoitios proves himself a faithful and kind servant.
1. Name two people who are cruel to Odysseus the beggar.
Two people who are cruel to Odysseus the beggar is Antinoos and the other beggar, Irus.

2. Who proves himself to be a kind and faithful servant?
Eumaius the swineherd was the most faithful servant that they had.
3. What do you think Odysseus is going to do to the suitors?
I think that Odysseus is going to kill all of the suitors.
Penelopeia issues her challenge to the suitors, but none of the men can bend the bow to string it. Odysseus finds a chanceto confide in Philoitios and Eumaios and to include them in his plans for revenge. Odysseus easily strings the bow and shoots an a rrow through the twelve axe-heads. Eumaios tells the women to lock themselves in the bedrooms, and Telemachos and Odysseus arm themselves against the suitors.
1. Whom does Odysseus trust to help him defeat the suitors?
Odysseus trusts his son Telemachus the most to help him defeat the suitors
2. Why don’t the men want Odysseus to try to string the bow?
They don’t want him to string the bow because he is disguised as a beggar and that would look bad.
3. How does Odysseus prove his true identity?
Odysseus proves his true identity by stringing his bow correctly.
Immediately Odysseus reveals himself and kills Antinoos with an arrow. Eurymachos tries to convince Odysseus that Antinoos is to blame for everything and that he shouldn’t kill the other suitors. Odysseus gives them a chance to run away, but they choose to fight, led by Eurymachos. Odysseus, Telemachos, and the two servants kill everyone except Phemios and Medon. Odysseus asks Eurycleia to identify the maids who have been unfaithful and bring them to him. He makes them clean up the blood and dead bodies in the hall and then Telemachos hangs them. Melanthios is cut up and fed to the dogs. The maids and servants come and celebrate the return of Odysseus.
1. What did Odysseus prove about his abilities when he shot the arrow through the twelve axes? Why is that important now?
Odysseus proved that he is Odysseus and it is important now because he can take revenge on the suitors.
2. Whom does Odysseus kill first and why?
Odysseus killed Antinous first because he was trying to bid his wife while he was away.
3. How does Eurymachos plead his case with Odysseus?
Eurymachos begs Odysseus by saying he will do anything for him and that it wasn’t his fault, and also that he never touched the woman.
4. Whom does Telemachos catch raiding the storeroom of weapons and what do they do with him?
Telemachos catches Melanthius and he locked him up in the cellar.
5. Which two servants are spared?
The minstrel Phemius and the herald Medon are the two servents spared.
6. How does Odysseus identify the unfaithful maids?
Odysseus identifies the unfaithful maids by having the woman clean up the dead, whoever doesn’t are the disloyal ones.
7. What does Odysseus do to the unfaithful maids?
Odysseus kills the unfaithful maids.
8. What is done to Melanthios?
Melanthios is cut up into pieces.
Odysseus reveals his identity to Penelopeia, but she is skeptical. She tests Odysseus by having Eurycleia provide Odysseus a place to sleep by moving a bed into the hallway. Odysseus becomes angry because he built this bed out of a tree trunk so that it could not be moved. Penelopeia then knows that he is truly her husband. He tells her that, according to Tieresias, he must carry an oar inland and make sacrifices to Poseidon. He also feels he must regain all the livestock and goods that he lost because of the suitors. He sets out to see his father and tells Penelopeia to stay locked in her room with her maids until he returns.
1. How does Penelopeia test Odysseus?
Penelopeia tests Odysseus by saying that she will move the bed (the one that Odysseus made) and that you cant move it.
2. Why does she test him?
She tests him to make sure that he is Odysseus an not a trick the gods are playing on her.
3. Describe the one last task that Tieresias told Odysseus to complete. What will be his reward for this task?
Odysseus must go to different towns with really poor men, tell someone about his journey, sacrifice something to Poseidon, then go home and offer things to the sky gods. Odysseus will die and everyone will be in peace around him.
4. After Odysseus tells Penelopeia about all his adventures, he sets off again. What does he go to do? What does he tell Penelopeia to do?
Odysseus is going to visit his dad. News will spread that Odysseus killed the suitors, so Penelopeia should go to her chamber with her woman and see no one.
The souls of the dead men pass to Hades, led by Hermes. Odysseus goes to see Laertes, pretending to be someone else at first, but then he reveals his identity. Laertes asks for proof that he is Odysseus. He tells about the scar on his leg and spending time in his father’s orchard. Relatives of the suitors, led by Eupeithes, Antinoos’ father, come to battle Odysseus. Odysseus kills Eupeithes, then Athena stops the battle and makes peace between the two sides.
1. How does Odysseus prove that he is really Laertes’ son?
Odysseus shows laertes his boar scar. He then names all of the trees and crops planted in the garden, which were given to him.

2. What is Laertes afraid of?
Laertes is afraid that all the cities around will be coming about the suitors’ murders.
3. Who comes to battle Odysseus? Whom are they led by?
Eupithes come into battle with Odysseus and leads and army to help him.
4. Whom does Odysseus kill?
Odysseus kills Antinous’s father.
5. Who stops the battle?
Athena comes and stops the battle.

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    presence in his palace. After devising a plan to kill the suitors with Eumaios and Telemakhos ,…

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    Good Essays
  • Good Essays

    All his life he has heard other people comment on how great and strong of a person his father was but Telemachus was never able to achieve the same greatness as his father. Even his own mother unintentionally ignores her son. Penelope constantly hopes for the return of Odysseus and “worships” his myth of strength and courage. When Telemachus leaves Ithaca for the first time with Athena, he meets Nester. Nester treats Telemachus as an equal instead of as the son of a great, heroic, god like figure. This is a great turning point for Telemachus during his journey. He here begins to find himself on this spiritual journey of his. As Telemachus travels he begins to have his own adventures and stories to tell. He retains more and more of his father’s great qualities and slowly, Telemachus is becoming…

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    Good Essays
  • Good Essays

    Odysseus eventually wants to return to his home and admits that his wife doesn't compare with Calypso. He shows the characteristics…

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    know he is her husband. She tells the suitors whoever can string Odysseus great bow…

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  • Good Essays

    Athena has made it her mission to inspire Telemachus with bravery and courage, so that he can grow up to be a man. Initially, Telemachus is shy and timid, unable to stand up to those above him. In an effort to make Telemachus rise above his tormentors, Athena says, “Oh how much you need Odysseus, gone so long—how he’d lay hands on all these brazen suitors!...if only that Odysseus sported…

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    In the Odyssey by Homer, Telemachus is the son of Penelope and Odysseus. When Telemakus was a young infant, his father Odysseus went to fight in the battle of Troy. Because of Odysseus’ pride he got stuck at sea for 20 years. During these 20 years that he was away Telemachus grew up day by day. He lived in the palace of Ithaca with his mother and her suitors. As he grew older he started to notice that the suitors were consuming all of his father wine and killing all his cattle. Telemachus was always scared to say anything to the suitors and this is shown when he says the following words to Athena: “Yet, were Odysseus to return, were they to see him here again, they would not only pray for gold or richer clothes-just faster feet. But he has…

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Good Essays

    Odysseus realizes how much his family needs him and he's rushing to come back home to heal their wounded souls. Odysseus is eager to get back home because he realizes how much he is needed and how important it is that he must return. Eventually, Odysseus finally arrives back to his homeland, but he has to be in disguise because he doesn't want to make a scene. After Odysseus had shot his arrow through the twelves axes and has killed all of the suitors, he his alone with his wife at last.…

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    Good Essays
  • Good Essays

    Unknowingly advised by Athena, Telemachus calls the assembly to complain about the wooers at his home and ask for a ship to sail in search for information concerning his father, or learn about his death. The young prince's requests are not met and Athena provides him with a ship and men. Telemachus is kindly received at Pylos by Nestor, who then sends him on his way to Sparta. There he…

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  • Good Essays

    Odyssey and Calypso

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    During Odysseus’ journey in ‘The Odyssey’, Odysseus runs into a couple problems. He leaves home ready to fight in the Trojan War. Although he had plans on coming home, he never made it home. His wife Penelope and his son Telemachus assumed that Odysseus was dead. It was not until Athena came to Telemachus and gave him everything he needed to make it to his dad. What Telemachus did not know was that Odysseus wanted to come home, but he could not because he was being held prisoner on an island named Ogygia. Odysseus wants nothing more to return home and see his lovely wife Penelope.…

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