
Pros And Cons Of The French Revolution

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Pros And Cons Of The French Revolution
Before the French Revolution was sparked, poverty plagued the streets of France. Families starved while Louis XVI and his flighty wife Marie Antoinette spent lavishly. The ineffective rulers gambled and partied frequently and freely, and by 1789 France was out of money and faced a serious financial crisis. France’s unequal social hierarchy made of three classes-the First, Second, and Third Estate- was extremely unfair to the Third Estate which was ninety seven percent of the population and included the poor peasants, but also the middle class; the group paid fifty percent of their income in taxes. After the success of the American Revolution the Third Estate began demanding democracy, equality, and liberty. The Third Estate formed the National …show more content…
Shortly after the National Convention (1792-1795) were formed to make laws for the French citizens. During a meeting in the summer of 1793 the Convention declared, “Unité, Indivisibilité de la République; Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité ou la mort,” meaning “Unity, indivisibility of the Republic; Liberty, equality, fraternity or death.” The written document of the National Convention: September 21, 1792, Debate states, “From this moment the French nation proclaims the sovereignty of the people,...You are, from this moment, brothers and friends ; all are citizens, equal in rights, and all are alike called to govern, to serve, and to defend your country”(Hanover Historical Texts). This statement by National Convention meant that they were done with their usurpers- the king’s- demands of them, such as high taxes with little benefits from the government. The French were beginning a new chapter in the French government in result of this revolutions. They had finally realized that if they did not do something they would be led into a bigger whole of corruption and debt. They finally unified into a form of government that was willing to step up and run their country. Although there many hiccups in the process, they finally had a voice. The voice of the people was finally heard as the revolution

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