
reaction paper: one flew over the cuckoo nest

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reaction paper: one flew over the cuckoo nest
he only constant is change. It is inevitable that every person throughout their life will transform in some way—for good or for bad. Changing for the better usually starts with a selfish, egotistic person who is trying to be less interested in him/herself, and more interested in others. In the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey, this type of transformation is easily recognized. “When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness~Joseph Campbell.” McMurphy parellels the previous quote by Joseph Campbell, and by examining his actions and relationships, the reader is able to see that he is transformed from an originally selfish man into a self-less hero.
Randal Patrick McMurphy is introduced as an extremely selfish man who will do anything to benefit his own personal gain. This is evidently displayed through the description of his past actions, and also through the way he treats the other patients on the ward. Motivated by self-interest throughout his life, McMurphy’s past can not only be labeled as that of a criminal, but of an egotistical criminal who completely disregards the feelings of others repeatedly. The paper that I am writing about is on the movie One Flew Over The Cuckoo?s Nest with Jack Nicholson. The movie is a good example of Total Institution. In the movie One Flew Over The Cuckoo?s Nest the patients were removed from society and, the Head Nurse made them change the way that they went upon everything they did in life. The movie was also about the way that the hospital was like and how they had barbwires on the fences so the patients weren?t able to leave. Nurse Ratchett also had the patients on a tight schedule that was the same everyday and she felt that it shouldn?t be changed no matter what. C.H. Cooley?s ?looking glass self? was a theory that described the way that the patients learned things about themselves and how to interact with the Head

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