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Speech on Friendship

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Speech on Friendship
Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to all the repected teachers and my charming beautiful friends .
Let me introduce myself , my name is Nur Farahin Binti Samsudin from class 6R3 .
Dear friends , im standing here today to continue our English week programme by delivering a speech . Today , im not going to talk about the environment , drugs , weather , education , politics or even about the world wide issues .
But im going to talk about you , you , you and all of you .
SECONDARY SCHOOL LIFE : PRISON OR PARADISE ? You decide at the end of my speech .
School is the Platforms of Life. So Make It Count.
"Some parts of life you can do without, but school isn't one of them."
School is a place to explore, to experience, discover yourself as an individual. It's believing, it's achieving and a time to learn. It's expectations, developing responsibilities and it's social. Highs, lows, emotions, romance, friendships, enemies, relationships, surviving, reputation, joy, sadness, broken hearts, academic, status, popularities , sports, temptations, rules, regulations, and intimidation are words that all come to mind. It's life, hang-in, step it up, plan and prepare. I said twice , Make it count because School is not forever.
If you think about it, though, we should embrace going back to school. When the day comes that there’s no school to go back to, we’ll miss it more than we think.

There is no other time in our lives where we’ll experience anything like what we’re experiencing now. Never again will your biggest worries in life be about that science homework you didn’t finish, or why “Amirul” is ignoring you, or the horrible possibility of getting a pimple every Monday . Never again will you be a part of a community where an age difference of a year matters so much, and the moving up a grade, from junior to senior, seems so significant.
I have some advice . Whether you stepped in , in this school this morning as an incoming freshman , or as a five years student or as a returning to school after 2 weeks of absence , remember this starting today , i always remember the words in a cartoon movie Chicken little , that is “every day is new day !”, everyone has those first day butterflies. Who isn’t worried about grades, teachers, drama, or even getting to school on time? The best way to start a new school day right is to be prepared. Here are some tips to help you to make today and everyday as your best one yet .

Wake up early, set your goals , meet new people , get involved , get organized and the most important is to have a positive attitude .
Dear friends ,
Our secondary school years are the defining times in our lives that shape who we are, where we are going, and what we are going to do. Aside from this, they allow us to build strong friendships with people. We get to see which people are going to be there for the rest of our lives and those who will just disappear over the years.

A friend is someone who is there for you, through it all. Through the pressure, boys, and drama, they are the one constant thing in your life that never fades away. I have realized at age eighteen that friends are not something you should take lightly, if we have found even just a couple of friends we are blessed.

They are the people that we sing our lungs out in the car singing “Set fire to the rain”, the people we cry to, and the most importantly the people who will always have a shoulder to lean on. It is important to evaluate your relationships with your friends. You can see if they are the people you can go to with anything or if they are just another face in the crowd when you have a serious issue going on.

Secondary school is the defining time in our life to find ourselves and break loose from our shells
Lastly ,
Nowhere else but in school is there such a community. For despite the separation between grades, despite the clear distinction that comes with being juniors, and seniors, high schools have such a sense of school unity. While to us the grades we’re in make a difference, in the big picture every student at your school belongs to the same institution, is unified under the same name, is roused up by the same mascot at football games and collaborates to beat other schools in sports and academics. Secondary school is a wonderfully unique experience that many don’t appreciate until it’s too late. So instead of dreading the return to school in holidays at the end of the year, get excited about it. Like all of our parents and teachers like to tell us, you only go to high school once.
In conclusion ,
Sure, there’s been sadness, mistakes, and let downs, but you can’t forget the good times, and you can’t ignore the photographs you took. Secondary school is an experience. I believe we should all make the most of it.
May Smk Skudai will be the greatest memory of all .

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