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The Day My Father Left Home

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The Day My Father Left Home
My Parents Last Night Together
I woke up this morning excited about my daughters first day of 5th grade. The sun was peering through my curtains as I yarned. I turned my face and was greeted by a sloppy kiss from my beloved dog Sasha while Lady squeezed in to the gathering for some affection. I put Emily to bed early wanting her to get a good night sleep. In the middle of the night Philip startled me by sitting up in bed around 5 am saying he had to go to the office early, although he was back to see Emily off to school. My friend Sharon picked up Emily along with her two children this am. Sharon greeted Philip and I in a friendly matter also excited about the kids first day of school. Her daughter was attending kindergarten for the first time. Philip was acting peculiar and I had to prompt him to tell Emily good bye. After the car drove away I got dressed I had a dentist appt. Philip went to work. I was in a very cheerful mood although I notice Philip was acting quirky.
After my dental appt I drove home and was greeted by Philip who said he had to tell me something. He sat down and said, “Jennifer I am leaving you.” And he walked out the door and left. I was in shocked and called my mother and father while shaking. They rushed over with love in their hearts. My mother’s quick wit said, ”Every dog has their day.”Thus far Philip has had more than his day with the death of his brother and other problems. That night Emily went home with a friend and I drove to their house to pick her up. I told her in front of her best friend that Philip has left home. I chose to tell her in front of her best friend and mother knowing the same thing happen to them a year earlier. That night and many nights afterwards my child would cry herself to sleep as we clung to each other at night with both dogs gathered in the room while Philip gingerly planned his motorcycle trip with friends with a smile on his face.
As Emily and I held each other tight Philip rode out of Baton Rouge free spirited on his motorcycle without a care in the world. He was free. As he traveled around the world and back I was left to look for a full time job and play mother/father to my child. I clung to my father and four brothers for male role models for Emily. Divorce in the “Norris” family no such thing. My parents have been married for ever opting out was never an option. On the maternal and fraternal side of the family both my grandparents stayed married.

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