
The Holocaust: The Rise Of The Holocaust

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The Holocaust: The Rise Of The Holocaust
1. Introduction

1.1 What was the Holocaust?
The word Holocaust means the destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war. This was an accurate use of the term because The Holocaust was a systematic destruction and extermination of Jews and other lesser people on a mass scale. Hitler’s Genocide only reached European countries before he was stopped, however if he had been allowed to continue on his war path he would have wiped out entire cultures with no remorse or any doubt that he was doing the world a favour because the Jews were a burden on society who hindered the economy and lead to the world viewing Germany as weak.

1.2 When and where did this happen?
In early 1933 Hitler and his Nazi party rose to
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The holocaust was targeting anyone who was not deemed perfect in the eyes of the oppressive democratic dictator know as Hitler. Hitler targeted the Jewish population, but people often forget he targeted Jehovah’s Witness, Gay people, handicapped, Gypsis and Slavic people.

1.4 How many people were victims?
The total death toll was incredibly large even without the Jewish lives lost added to the colossal death toll killed during the Holocaust is still an enormous figure with it adding up to 5,000,000 people slaughtered by the Nazi party’s oppressive regimes. The total number of victims is over Twelve Million people and is made up of Prisoners and people deemed imperfect.

2 Nazi Beliefs

2.1 What were the ideas behind the holocaust?
The Nazi party had beliefs surrounding race and religion. Hitler believed there was perfect race called the Aryan race which were tall, fair skinned, blue eyed and had Nordic blond hair. This caused people to be considered imperfect in the eyes of the great Führer. This left to race divides and caused Jewish people to be counted as a lesser race and lead to the mistreatment, prosecution and extermination of Jewish people and

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