
The Innocence Project: Innocent Until Proven Guilty

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The Innocence Project: Innocent Until Proven Guilty
The Innocence Project

Innocent until proven guilty is a main motto of the court systems, but what happens if you're innocent and “proven” guilty? This is where the Innocence Project comes in, and their teams fight to prove the innocence of the wrongly convicted.

A non-government organization which works on behalf of human rights is the Innocence Project. The Innocence Project was founded in 1992 and works to overturn the cases of wrongly convicted people. Their mission is to: Exonerate, Improve, Reform, and Support. They do this through a huge team of ambassadors, volunteers, lawyers, law makers and researchers. The legal teams work to prove innocence, while the policy departments work to make sure future wrongful convictions do not happen, and social workers work to help integrate the wrongfully convicted back into society.

Sadly, not everyone who ends up convicted of a crime actually committed the crime. The reasons can vary, from being coerced into guilt, lack of DNA testing, or lack of good representation... what doesn't vary is the fact they are in jail for a crime they didn't commit. After someone has been found guilty, the case generally does not get reopened, and the “guilty” party will serve the sentence. Where the Innocence Project comes in is they reopen
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Before 1986 and DNA evidence, people were being wrongly convicted, and due to evidence saved in the cases, are now able to be proven innocent. This is not to say people are not still being wrongly convicted, which they are, or that DNA evidence is fool proof, which it's not, but the advances in science have proven favorable in court cases.

The Innocence Project works to make sure people who are wrongly put behind bars have a chance to reenter society again, but sometimes the stigma of being convicted of a crime, even if later proven innocent is too much for people to

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