
The Theme Of Loneliness In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein '

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The Theme Of Loneliness In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein '
Frankenstein’s Lack of Love and Compassion Robert Walton, the captain of the ship, was a young man that was lonely and wished for meaningful conversation. He often sent letters to his sister trying to relieve some of his loneliness while describing his journey. Walton admires his lieutenant’s gentleness, humanity, and desire to make a young Russian lady happy (Shelley 6). In his letter he describes how his ship was stuck in the ice far from the land. The crew sees a man of gigantic stature which is the monster in the distance. Victor Frankenstein is brought aboard the ship and immediately comforted because of his wretched condition (10). Although, Victor was quite intrigued of the whereabouts of the creature on the sled, Walton had a lot of …show more content…
As the book goes on, we realize that he doesn’t have anyone else to write too and he longs for a friend. He says, "But I have one want which I have never yet been able to satisfy, and the absence of the object of which I now feel as a most sever evil. I have no friend...” (17). Walton states that he wishes for a friend so he could tell him or her his dreams. He puts himself in a dangerous situation by wanting to explore the North. Victor sees the passion in Walton’s eyes so then he exclaims, "Unhappy man! Do you share my madness? Have you drunk also of the intoxicating draught? Hear me; let me reveal my tale, and you will dash the cup from your lips!” (30). He shows his love for others during his time observing Felix and Agatha while in the village. He wishes “to return to the cottagers, whose story excited in such various feelings to indignation, delight, and wonder, but which all terminated in additional love and reverence for his protectors…” (106). Even though the monster had never actually met the DeLacey family, his ability to feel compassion is proven through his love of them only for their wonderful hearts and kind actions. In doing this, he shows more love for a family of strangers than Victor did for his own

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