
Theme Of Individualism In The Scarlet Letter

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Theme Of Individualism In The Scarlet Letter
Nathaniel Hawthorne published The Scarlet Letter in 1850. Hawthorne engenders a protestant society holding community values to be the standards, leaving Hester Prynne in a difficult situation. According to community values she’s a sinner, a wrongdoer, an atrocious person, conversely , looking at her own morals she could be a hero, a role model, an overall admirable person. Hester’s burdened to wear the scarlet letter which stands for the deadly crime of adultery, but eventually denotes ambiguity. Leading to the conclusion that An individual's morality is not solely judged by what society considers moral, but instead an individual's own moral code.
Written in 1850 ,The Scarlet Letter, takes place during the age of transcendentalism. Transcendentalism was a reaction against rationalism. Emphasizing the romantic aspects of mysticism, idealism, and individualism. Religiously god was viewed not as a distant and harsh authority but as an essential aspect of the individual and the natural world. Individualism the actions or attitudes of a person who does things without being concerned about what other people will think:
“In a moment, however, wisely judging that one token of her shame would but poorly serve to
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Although seemly just a detail, Hawthorne uses it to stand for the historical figure Anne Hutchinson. Or the character of Arthur Dimmesdale who through years of constant suffering reveals the power of honesty. Hawthorne uses the setting almost entirely to symbolize the novel and time period. A “Black” Forest lies outside the town standing for the moral absence and evil. The use of colors is also very prevalent. While the forest is black the town is gray along with the townspeople. Described to “never have known a youthful era (Hawthorne).” Hawthorne possibly uses this to bring attention to the dullness of the world at this point in

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