
To Kill A Mockingbird Justice

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To Kill A Mockingbird Justice
Charles de Montesquieu once said, "In the state of nature, indeed, all men are born equal, but they cannot continue in this equality. Society makes them lose it, and they recover it only by the protection of the laws." This quote is saying that all men are created the same way, but society divides them based on false judgments. It says that the only way to achieve self equality is before the law. In To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, justice plays a substantial role expressed in Atticus's opinions, Tom Robinson's court case, and the death of Bob Ewell. Justice is expressed throughout the novel in the views and opinions of Atticus Finch. In the story, Atticus is a lawyer and the father of Jem and Scout. In Were You Ever a Turtle, writer …show more content…
Throughout the entire court case, all of the evidence went against Bob Ewell and supported Tom’s innocence. The marks on Mayella’s body showed that she had been beaten by a person who was left handed, as Bob was. Also, Tom could not use his left arm because it was caught in a cotton gin when he was little, and was now substantially shorter than his right. The fact that this was not the first time Tom has been called over by Mayella to do work for her was also suspicious. For the first time in the history of Maycomb county it appeared as if the jury was going to side with a black man. Before the jury went outside to decide the verdict of the case, Atticus gave a speech to the entire courtroom in which he said, “‘You know the truth, and the truth is this: some negroes lie, some negroes are immoral, some negro men are not to be trusted around our women-black or white. But this truth applies to the human race and to no particular race of men’” (Lee 273). This proves that he truly believes in justice and in the good of everyone. He proves that Tom Robinson should not be punished just because of the color of his skin. Although everyone in that courtroom knew that Tom did not rape Mayella Ewell, he was still found guilty because they could not get past the color of his skin. “Throughout the book Scout sees adults accepting society’s rules rather than confronting them” (May 3). The people of Maycomb …show more content…
The book teaches the reader about how racial discrimination and segregation led to unjust treatment to the black society as a whole. All men are born equal, but society divides everyone into categories based on false pretenses. Harper Lee shows this through Tom Robinson’s court case. She also shows the good in people through Atticus’ character and his teachings, and the worse in people through the death of Bob

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