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Animal research has played a vital part in nearly every medical breakthrough over the last decade.
We share 95% of our genes with a mouse, making them an effective model for the human body.
Animals and humans are very similar; we have the same organ systems performing the same tasks in more or less the same way.
Animals suffer from similar diseases to humans including cancers, TB, flu and asthma.
All veterinary research has relied on the use of animal research.
While non-animal methods play an important part of biomedical research, they cannot replace all use of animals.
Many veterinary medicines are the same as those used for human patients: examples include antibiotics, pain killers and tranquillizers. Modern anesthetics, the tetanus vaccine, penicillin and insulin all relied on animal research in their development.
Modern surgical techniques including hip replacement surgery, kidney transplants, heart transplants and blood transfusions were all perfected in animals. Thanks to animal research, primarily in mice, cancer survival rates have continued to rise.
Herceptin – a humanized mouse protein – has helped to increase the survival rate of those with breast cancer; it could not have been attained without animal research in mice. Animal research is responsible for the development of asthma inhalers; asthma still kills around 2,000 people in the UK every year.
Animal research has helped develop modern vaccines including those against Polio, TB, Meningitis and, recently, the human papillomavirus (HPV) which has been linked to cervical cancer.
The development of Tamoxifen in animals led to a 30% fall in death rates from breast cancer in the 1990s.
The 450,000 people in the UK suffering from Type I diabetes rely on Insulin – which was developed through experiments in rabbits and dogs. “Animal research and testing has played a part in almost every medical breakthrough of the last century. It has saved hundreds of millions of lives worldwide...” – Former UK Home Office minister Joan Ryan.


Animal testing has contributed to many life-saving cures and treatments.

Animals are appropriate research subjects because they are similar to human beings in many ways.

Animals themselves benefit from the results of animal testing.

Animals often make better research subjects than human beings because of their shorter life cycles.

Relatively few animals are used in research, which is a small price to pay for advancing medical progress.

Yes, animals should always be used for expeiments. Scientific experiments are necessary for the survival of our species. Most people probably think nothing of eating a hamburger or swatting a mosquito, but experiments are cruel? Experimenting on animals has led to some of the best scientific breakthroughs of our current age. Most of us have lost family and friends to medical conditions such as cancer. These creatures make a sacrifice, but I do not see any people volunteering to replace them as test subjects.

Yes. Animals should definitely be used for experiments. If we look at the big picture, what has more value, a human life or an animal life?
Experiments don't have to necessarily mean harmful medical experiments, either. Experiments to figure out animal intellect, how animals respond to certain stimuli, and observation of their behaviors are perfectly legitimate experiments.
In the end, though, it isn't feasible trying to find large enough groups of people who are willing to undergo dangerous experiments that may end in permanent disfigurement or death. Without animals, science would have a very limited number of subjects to work with. Plus, I can imagine the number of lawsuits would skyrocket.

Animals should be used in experiments It is universally acknowledged that animals play an indispensable role in the scientific research at the cost of sacrificing their own lives. Animals are used in experiments because we can’t use humans. Animals should not be regarded to be at the same position as humans. The laws in humans’ world offer us a guarantee that each person has the right of not being hurt, if the application is also suitable in animals’ world, of course scientists should not be allowed to use animals in the experiments, however, if we want to protect the animals’ rights of not being hurt, in essence, we had already broke the laws of the nature, in accordance with this logic, wild animals should not be allowed to capture and hurt other animals as their food, thus how could provide food for them? It is conceivable that animals do not have senses of duties unlike people, so they should not have the same as humans. If you say you should not use animals just because they get hurt, then you should not use them as food too. These days everyone use many animals for food. We can survive by only eating vegetables. In fact we will be more healthy if we only eat vegetables. So if we can kill animals for such useless things then why can’t we use them for meaningful experiments? Based on this, although using animals for scientific experiments, such kind of action should not be criticized, at least from animal rights angle because the definition of human rights and animals are different. Unlike mistreating animals, the use of scientific research has a more meaningful and essential purpose. Another aspect I want to complement is that animals are not only play the roles of victims of the experiment , in fact, their contribution are not unrequited. Diseases not only pose a great threat to the human-beings, but also invade the bodies of the animals. If scientists succeed in working out the remedy by experiments, animals will survive as well as people with the help of the medicine. It is also significant to the future generations of animals . In many cases, humans use technology to help animals live better.

Yes they should make experiments Experiments on Animals

I’m ordered to tell whether I’m with the scientists who make experiments on animals or against.

I’m with the scientists who make experiments on animals & I have 5 reasons to prove that scientists have their rights to make these experiments. When a scientist makes a medicine and he want to try it but, will he try on an animal or human being. Of course he will try it on an animal. For example that animal has Asthma. If this medicine worked on this animal it will be used in a human being, this was the first reason.
The second reason is, because it’s not legal or ethical to perform toxicology research on humans.
The third reason is, because scientists make experiments on animals to give us their benefits.

The fourth reason is, because experiments are necessary for the survival of our species.

The last reason is, because experimenting on animals has led to some of the best scientific breakthroughs of our current age.

Now we see that the scientists have their rights to make experiments and we should thank them for helping us.

Why Are Animals Used in Research?
Human beings use animals for a wide variety of purposes, including research. The approximately 260 million people in the United States keep about 110 million dogs and cats as pets. More than 5 billion animals are killed in the United States each year as a source of food. Animals are used for transportation, for sport, for recreation, and for companionship.7
Animals are also used to learn more about living things and about the illnesses that afflict human beings and other animals. By studying animals, it is possible to obtain information that cannot be learned in any other way. When a new drug or surgical technique is developed, society deems it unethical to use that drug or technique first in human beings because of the possibility that it would cause harm rather than good. Instead, the drug or technique is tested in animals to make sure that it is safe and effective.
Animals also offer experimental models that would be impossible to replicate using human subjects. Animals can be fed identical and closely monitored diets. As with inbred mice, members of some animal species are genetically identical, enabling researchers to compare different procedures on identical animals. Some animals have biological similarities to humans that make them particularly good models for specific diseases, such as rabbits for atherosclerosis or monkeys for polio. (The polio vaccine was developed, and its safety is still tested, in monkeys.) Animals are also indispensable to the rapidly growing field of biotechnology, where they are used to develop, test, and make new products such as monoclonal antibodies.
Researchers draw upon the full range of living things to study life, from bacteria to human beings.8Many basic biological processes are best studied in single cells, tissue cultures, or plants, because they are the easiest to grow or examine. But researchers also investigate a wide range of animal species, from insects and nematodes to dogs, cats, and monkeys. In particular, mammals are essential to researchers because they are the closest to us in evolutionary terms. For example, many diseases that affect human beings also affect other mammals, but they do not occur in insects, plants, or bacteria.
Far fewer animals are used in research than are used for other purposes. An estimated 17 to 22 million vertebrate animals are used each year in research, education, and testing—less than 1 percent of the number killed for food.9 About 85 percent of these animals are rats and mice that have been bred for research. In fiscal year 1988, about 142,000 dogs and 52,000 cats were used in experimentation, with 40,000 to 50,000 of those dogs being bred specifically for research and the others being acquired from pounds.10 Between 50,000 and 60,000 nonhuman primates, such as monkeys and chimpanzees, are studied each year, many of them coming from breeding colonies in the United States.11

How Do Animals Benefit from Animal Research?
The same methods that have been developed to prevent and treat diseases in humans have improved the lives of countless animals.20, 21 Vaccines, antibiotics, anesthetics, surgical procedures, and other approaches developed in animals for human use are now commonly employed throughout veterinary medicine. Pets, livestock, and animals in zoos live longer, more comfortable, and healthier lives as a result of animal research.
In many cases, treatments have been developed specifically for animals. Vaccines for rabies, canine parvovirus, distemper, and feline leukemia virus have kept many animals from contracting these fatal diseases. Treatments for heartworm infestation (a painful and ultimately fatal affliction in dogs), therapies for cholera in hogs, and diagnostic and preventive techniques for brucellosis and tuberculosis in cattle are all now available because of animal research.
Animal research has also been integral to the preservation of many endangered species. The ability to eliminate parasitism, treat illnesses, use anesthetic devices, and promote breeding has improved the health and survival of many species. Through techniques like artificial insemination and embryo transfer, species that are endangered or have disappeared in the wild can now be managed or maintained. Research on the sexual behavior of animals has made it possible to breed many species in captivity, enabling endangered species to be reintroduced to the wild.

Animal research has also greatly extended and improved the lives of many companion animals.

How Much Pain Do Animals Experience in Animal Research?
Most animals experience only minimal pain or brief discomfort when they are used in research. According to the 1988 Animal Welfare Enforcement Report by the Department of Agriculture, about 94 percent of all laboratory animals reported are not exposed to painful procedures or are given drugs to relieve any pain caused by a procedure.30 The remaining 6 percent of animals are exposed to painful procedures because to relieve them of the pain would defeat the purpose of the experiment. Even in these cases, however, the pain is usually neither severe nor long-lasting.

People clearly want the benefits that derive from animal research. They also want animals to be well-treated and to undergo a minimum of pain and distress. These desires result from our values, from the importance we ascribe to both human and animal life.
But decisions about the use of animals should be based both on reason and values. It makes no sense to sacrifice future human health and well being by not using animals in research today. In fact, it would be immoral and selfish not to use animals in research today, given the harm that could accrue to future generations if such research were halted.

The promise that animal research holds for generations of humans remains undiminished
The majority of Americans agree that animal research must continue. But legislators rarely hear from this majority, whereas they are bombarded by appeals from the small minority who wish to stop or severely curtail such research. Many scientific, medical, and patient groups have come out strongly in favor of humanely conducted animal research. The National Academy of Sciences and Institute of Medicine would like to add their voices to the chorus of support for animal research.
We owe our good health to past investigators and the animals they studied. As we decide on the future of animal research, we should keep in mind the future generations who will look back at us and ask if we acted wisely.

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